I want to share my discoveries.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Recently, I have discovered that I am in need of a hobby.  Really I feel that everyone is need of a good hobby.  Something to do that realigns my chi or whatever, even something just to pass the free time that I'm probably not going to have. I have been moving toward this discovery ever so slowly over the past few months.

My first baby step on the road to this discovery happened when I went into my parents garage to watch my father sand his hand-crafted wooden kayak.  He has been building this kayak for over a year and a half and it is nearly finished.   He says that every youth pastor should take a year off and build houses so that at the end of the day they can look at something that they have built and see that they have made a difference in the world. Pastoring youth is not the most rewarding job sometimes, I suppose. He loves his kayak. He is very proud of his kayak.  And he has every right to feel so.

I feel like Speech-Language Therapy is similar to youth pastoring. Results take a whole lot more time to see than I would like. The victories are much more celebrated but they are few and far between. I need a hobby.

Another step toward this discovery is that when I'm not working or studying, I really don't know what to do with my time. I find myself playing Burnout: Paradise City and facebook stalking my friends. I feel like I should be more productive.  I did start reading for pleasure, which has been good, but most of the people in my books have a hobby.  I think I'd like to get one.

The final step was telling my boyfriend that he needs a hobby besides video games.  At 27, I feel that it is no longer acceptable for your ONLY "hobby" to be starcraft 2/MW2/Red Dead Redemption (all the men argue that that is 3 hobbies).  We are about to become a long distance relationship, so I won't be around anymore to remind that he should probably go outside and breathe fresh air at least once a day (he probably wants me to tell you that that is an exaggeration and to stop making him look bad, but it's kinda funny).

So I've started throwing around ideas in my head (and looking for things to do on the interwebs).

Sewing clothes. I feel like that is a good idea, but I'd enjoy it more if I had children to make clothes for, or was somewhat skilled at using a sewing machine (I used one once I think) (I made Lauren enter a contest to win a serger).

Recycling.  People are so into recycling these days.  My best friend Samantha is in California right now educating people on some proposition that would green all of California and probably save the world.  I see cool things like people making coffee tables out of VHS tapes and think: I could do that.  But I don't think I'm passionate enough about it, and green people are so very passionate.  It's intimidating.

Wood Carving.  I only looked into this because I recently watched The Runaways and Cherie Currie (played by Dakota Fanning in the movie) is a wood carving artist now.  I never really thought about hot blondes being into wood carving, but I can get down with that.

Drawing.  I can draw surprisingly.  It surprising even to me sometimes. I rarely do it. I think because I can really only draw things from real life and in order to get everything the way I want it, I end up taking a really long time and get bored with the subject.  So I often forget I can draw. My family does too. I showed them a drawing I recently did (to see if it should be my hobby) and they were like "you drew that, you can draw, hmm?"  Thanks for the confidence boost, dad.

But yesterday i found something that I actually could probably get excited.  I've decided that my new hobby is probably going to be building things.  Out of plywood mostly.  Bookshelves are at the top of my list.  Bookshelves, I feel, are a safe place to start when working with plywood (I say plywood because I know that if I just put wood all my college frat boy friends will giggle every time they read it, plus plywood is cheap).  Anyway, I'm very excited to dabble in my new found hobby.  We'll see how long it lasts.

If ever I'm famous (questionable), it all started right here.

(so many parentheses) 

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